Genshin Impact Version 4.1 debuts “Emissary of Solitary Iniquity” Wriothesley (cryo/catalyst), a melee, single-target 5* DPS from Fontaine. This guide will provide a detailed breakdown of how his abilities work and how to play Wriothesley in a team in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact Wriothesley Guide: Abilities description
Talent upgrade priority
Normal Attack > Elemental Skill > Elemental Burst.
Normal attack: Forceful Fists of Frost
Normal Attack
Coalescing frost about his fist, Wriothesley will unleash powerful Repelling Fists, performing up to 5 rapid attacks that deal Cryo DMG.
Apart from this, Normal Attack combo count will not reset for a short time after using Icefang Rush or sprinting.
Charged Attack
Consumes a fixed amount of Stamina to leap and unleash a Vaulting Fist, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE Cryo DMG upon impact.

Elemental Skill: Icefang Rush
Adjusting his breathing, rhythm, and pace, Wriothesley sprints forward a short distance, entering the Chilling Penalty state and unleashing more powerful attacks than before.
Chilling Penalty
- Increases Wriothesley’s interruption resistance
- When his HP is above 50%, it will enhance the Repelling Fists of Normal Attack: Forceful Fists of Frost and increase its DMG. When such an attack hits, it will consume a fixed amount of Wriothesley’s HP. HP can be lost this way once every 0.1s.
This effect will be cancelled should Wriothesley leave the field.
Elemental Burst: Darkgold Wolfbite
Activating his boxing gloves, Wriothesley strikes out with an icy straight, then uses Icicle Impact to cause multiple instances of AoE Cryo DMG in a frontal area.
Arkhe: Ousia
After Icicle Impact ends, a Surging Blade will descend upon the opponent’s position, dealing Ousia-aligned Cryo DMG.
Ascension 1 passive: There Shall Be a Plea for Justice
When Wriothesley’s HP is less than 60%, he will obtain a Gracious Rebuke. The next Charged Attack of his Normal Attack: Forceful Fists of Frost will be enhanced to become Rebuke: Vaulting Fist. It will not consume Stamina, will deal 50% increased DMG, and after hitting will restore HP for Wriothesley equal to 30% of his Max HP.
You can gain a Gracious Rebuke this way once every 5s.
Ascension 4 passive: There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin
When Wriothesley’s current HP increases or decreases, if he is in the Chilling Penalty state conferred by Icefang Rush, Chilling Penalty will gain one stack of Prosecution Edict. Max 5 stacks. Each stack will increase Wriothesley’s ATK by 6%.
Utility passive: The Duke’s Grace
When Wriothesley crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.
Genshin Impact Wriothesley Guide: Abilities explained
Normal attack: Forceful Fists of Frost
This is the primary source of Wriothesley’s DMG. The overwhelming majority of his DMG comes from his normal and charged attacks. The rest of his kit works to increase his normal/charged attack DMG. The charged attack counts as blunt DMG which can shatter Frozen enemies.
Elemental Skill: Icefang Rush
Wriothesley’s Elemental Skill makes him enter a buffed state where it applies a separate multiplier on his normal attacks (but not charged attacks) as long as he is above 50% HP. If his HP falls below 50%, the multiplier is no longer applied even if the Skill is used. During the buffed state (above 50% HP), hitting enemies with normal attacks will consume 4.5% HP. The buffed state will be cancelled, if you switch to another character. The interruption resistance provided by the buffed state is nice to have but it does not protect against heavy boss attacks.

Elemental Burst: Darkgold Wolfbite
This is a simple instance of AOE Cryo DMG, nothing too special. It does not make up the bulk of his total DMG output.
Ascension 1 passive: There Shall Be a Plea for Justice
When his HP is below 60%, his charged attack will become enhanced. This enhanced version does not consume stamina, heals 30% HP, and does 50% more DMG than a regular charged attack. This buff is difficult to obtain if one of his teammates is a good healer like Bennett/Kokomi/Kuki.
Ascension 4 passive: There Shall Be a Reckoning for Sin
This passive increases his ATK while in the buffed state by a maximum of 30% when his HP increases or decreases. This buff is easy to obtain since each one of his normal attacks in the buffed state will consume HP.
Utility passive: The Duke’s Grace
A very basic but useful passive that doubles the received product while crafting weapon ascension materials.
Genshin Impact Wriothesley Guide: Playstyle
Wriothesley’s playstyle is very simple. Activate all buffs from teammates, use his Elemental Skill, and then start punching. Use his enhanced charged attack whenever it is available. His Elemental Burst is not an important part of his kit but the best time to use it is when he has all 5 stacks of his Ascension 1 passive. However, this takes away field time from his buffed state. His Burst can also be used after he exits his buffed state, this does not cannibalize the field time of his buffed state.
Final Thoughts
As the first Cryo catalyst user, Wriothesley is very easy to use in Freeze teams. His DMG will not be as high as dedicated Cryo DPS like Ganyu/Ayaka, but he gets the job done just fine. Unlike Ganyu/Ayaka, he is very flexible and he can be used in non-Freeze teams as well. He can function as the 4th unit in a Hyperbloom team where he Freezes the enemies in place.
That’s all for today’s Genshin Impact Wriothesley guide, which discusses his skillset and different abilities. Let us know what you think about this guide in the comments below!
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